
1- Working to make culture the path that leads to the summit in society against ignorance, backwardness, darkness, values, survival and continuity to which the members of society comply.
extreme cultural.
2- Developing cultural, scientific, literary and developmental activity to raise the cultural and scientific level and developing human capabilities in these aspects and by modern methods compatible with the countries of the developed world to create a new qualified and developed generation blended and kept pace with the global cultural development.
3- Encouraging youth groups of different ages on the foundations of general culture, community culture, and the foundations of civic education, developing, encouraging, and discovering cultural, scientific, and educational abilities and talents, instilling in them love for the homeland and true citizenship, and removing from them violence and destructive emergency intellectual and cultural conflicts
4- Applying a cultural curriculum that is keen on nurturing art, science, sports, literature, intimacy, peace and love according to human values and a committed vision that the Iraqi society abounds with.
5- Shedding light on the scientific, artistic, academic, cultural, media and sports competencies outside Iraq and encouraging their return from the diaspora to the country to contribute to building the new Iraq.
6- Work on spreading and training on human development learning to improve the lives of the present generations, to be a safety valve that protects the choices of generations not yet born, and provides equity within one generation and between successive generations.
7- Providing opportunities for citizens to live the style and diversity of life that individuals choose, to practice the work suitable for them, and to develop the capabilities and skills inherent in their minds to achieve human well-being through sustainable development and the rate of achievement in the fields of health, education and income.

Means of achieving goals Means of achieving goals

1- Preparing future and strategic cultural and development research and studies to achieve the institution’s goals.
2- Establishing cultural activities related to the institution’s goals, whether long-term or short-term, in accordance with the visions and strategies that are planned, whether they are field, cultural, or educational projects.
3- Holding festivals, seminars, social, cultural, developmental, sports and entertainment activities, exhibitions, issuing commercial publications, authoring, meetings, conferences, and showing documentaries aimed at clarifying the goals and contents of the institution.
4- Emphasizing the importance of capital and encouraging it to be brought into Iraq for the purpose of developing and transforming research centers that are continuously sponsored and maintained.
5- Adopting an active presence and positive participation by joining Arab, international and Islamic federations, institutions and organizations related to the work and objectives of the institution and participating in conferences, courses and other activities.
6- Doubling the extension and educational efforts for the purpose of spreading artistic and literary awareness in modern civilized ways through the optimal use of the available media.
7- Opening centers for developmental and educational studies and research, such as universities, colleges, institutes, and schools, and working to twin these non-profit research and educational institutions with their counterparts from international institutions in order to improve the research, scientific and academic reality of our country after obtaining the original approvals from the concerned authorities.
8- Protecting human rights through deepening democracy, collective action, human development, and developing the capabilities of the people of the country in a basic manner, taking into account at the same time everyone’s access to their health, social, economic, and cultural rights in society through education, jobs, and schools.
And hospitals, justice and security, and strive to push them to positive thinking, being a source of strength, skill and self-confidence for change.
9- Paying attention to cultural and cognitive development to raise the level of culture, knowledge and education.
10- Relentless striving to make man and the individual the basis and goal of human development in society and in all aspects of development, economic, social, cultural, scientific, intellectual, educational, athletic, health and everything related to that.
11- Communicating and working with local and foreign institutions concerned with culture and human development.
12- Correct guidance and education for the adoption of modern human development factors in all educational and population fields, the optimal use of natural and human resources, the development of management methods, the adoption of the planning method, the use of modern technologies, the correct vision, and the development of education methods.
And education and social conditions to cultivate a culture of work and achievement.
2- Establishing cultural activities related to the institution’s goals, whether long-term or short-term, in accordance with the visions and strategies that are planned, whether they are field, cultural, or educational projects.
3- Holding festivals, seminars, social, cultural, developmental, sports and entertainment activities, exhibitions, issuing commercial publications, authoring, meetings, conferences, and showing documentaries aimed at clarifying the goals and contents of the institution.
4- Emphasizing the importance of capital and encouraging it to be brought into Iraq for the purpose of developing and transforming research centers that are continuously sponsored and maintained.
5- Adopting an active presence and positive participation by joining Arab, international and Islamic federations, institutions and organizations related to the work and objectives of the institution and participating in conferences, courses and other activities.
6- Doubling the extension and educational efforts for the purpose of spreading artistic and literary awareness in modern civilized ways through the optimal use of the available media.
7- Opening centers for developmental and educational studies and research, such as universities, colleges, institutes, and schools, and working to twin these non-profit research and educational institutions with their counterparts from international institutions in order to improve the research, scientific and academic reality of our country after obtaining the original approvals from the concerned authorities.
8- Protecting human rights through deepening democracy, collective action, human development, and developing the capabilities of the people of the country in a basic manner, taking into account at the same time everyone’s access to their health, social, economic, and cultural rights in society through education, jobs, and schools.
And hospitals, justice and security, and strive to push them to positive thinking, being a source of strength, skill and self-confidence for change.
9- Paying attention to cultural and cognitive development to raise the level of culture, knowledge and education.
10- Relentless striving to make man and the individual the basis and goal of human development in society and in all aspects of development, economic, social, cultural, scientific, intellectual, educational, athletic, health and everything related to that.
11- Communicating and working with local and foreign institutions concerned with culture and human development.
12- Correct guidance and education for the adoption of modern human development factors in all educational and population fields, the optimal use of natural and human resources, the development of management methods, the adoption of the planning method, the use of modern technologies, the correct vision, and the development of education methods.
And education and social conditions to cultivate a culture of work and achievement.1- Preparing future and strategic cultural and development research and studies to achieve the institution’s goals.
2- Establishing cultural activities related to the institution’s goals, whether long-term or short-term, in accordance with the visions and strategies that are planned, whether they are field, cultural, or educational projects.
3- Holding festivals, seminars, social, cultural, developmental, sports and entertainment activities, exhibitions, issuing commercial publications, authoring, meetings, conferences, and showing documentaries aimed at clarifying the goals and contents of the institution.
4- Emphasizing the importance of capital and encouraging it to be brought into Iraq for the purpose of developing and transforming research centers that are continuously sponsored and maintained.
5- Adopting an active presence and positive participation by joining Arab, international and Islamic federations, institutions and organizations related to the work and objectives of the institution and participating in conferences, courses and other activities.
6- Doubling the extension and educational efforts for the purpose of spreading artistic and literary awareness in modern civilized ways through the optimal use of the available media.
7- Opening centers for developmental and educational studies and research, such as universities, colleges, institutes, and schools, and working to twin these non-profit research and educational institutions with their counterparts from international institutions in order to improve the research, scientific and academic reality of our country after obtaining the original approvals from the concerned authorities.
8- Protecting human rights through deepening democracy, collective action, human development, and developing the capabilities of the people of the country in a basic manner, taking into account at the same time everyone’s access to their health, social, economic, and cultural rights in society through education, jobs, and schools.
And hospitals, justice and security, and strive to push them to positive thinking, being a source of strength, skill and self-confidence for change.
9- Paying attention to cultural and cognitive development to raise the level of culture, knowledge and education.
10- Relentless striving to make man and the individual the basis and goal of human development in society and in all aspects of development, economic, social, cultural, scientific, intellectual, educational, athletic, health and everything related to that.
11- Communicating and working with local and foreign institutions concerned with culture and human development.
12- Correct guidance and education for the adoption of modern human development factors in all educational and population fields, the optimal use of natural and human resources, the development of management methods, the adoption of the planning method, the use of modern technologies, the correct vision, and the development of education methods.
And education and social conditions to cultivate a culture of work and achievement.
2- Establishing cultural activities related to the institution’s goals, whether long-term or short-term, in accordance with the visions and strategies that are planned, whether they are field, cultural, or educational projects.
3- Holding festivals, seminars, social, cultural, developmental, sports and entertainment activities, exhibitions, issuing commercial publications, authoring, meetings, conferences, and showing documentaries aimed at clarifying the goals and contents of the institution.
4- Emphasizing the importance of capital and encouraging it to be brought into Iraq for the purpose of developing and transforming research centers that are continuously sponsored and maintained.
5- Adopting an active presence and positive participation by joining Arab, international and Islamic federations, institutions and organizations related to the work and objectives of the institution and participating in conferences, courses and other activities.
6- Doubling the extension and educational efforts for the purpose of spreading artistic and literary awareness in modern civilized ways through the optimal use of the available media.
7- Opening centers for developmental and educational studies and research, such as universities, colleges, institutes, and schools, and working to twin these non-profit research and educational institutions with their counterparts from international institutions in order to improve the research, scientific and academic reality of our country after obtaining the original approvals from the concerned authorities.
8- Protecting human rights through deepening democracy, collective action, human development, and developing the capabilities of the people of the country in a basic manner, taking into account at the same time everyone’s access to their health, social, economic, and cultural rights in society through education, jobs, and schools.
And hospitals, justice and security, and strive to push them to positive thinking, being a source of strength, skill and self-confidence for change.
9- Paying attention to cultural and cognitive development to raise the level of culture, knowledge and education.
10- Relentless striving to make man and the individual the basis and goal of human development in society and in all aspects of development, economic, social, cultural, scientific, intellectual, educational, athletic, health and everything related to that.
11- Communicating and working with local and foreign institutions concerned with culture and human development.
12- Correct guidance and education for the adoption of modern human development factors in all educational and population fields, the optimal use of natural and human resources, the development of management methods, the adoption of the planning method, the use of modern technologies, the correct vision, and the development of education methods.
And education and social conditions to cultivate a culture of work and achievement.

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